Sunday, 7 October 2012

Altered Story

I've gone back in to the scripting stage again, and the story has now been altered so that it's potentially a little less complex. I haven't finished writing up the script for this new version just yet, but here's a brief little summary of each scene and what happens in the new version. The most notable difference is the absence of a "spirit world".

The idea of this is to help gain an understanding of the story in its basic form before going on to the script. It helps introduce each character, each environment and just makes the story easy to understand. A pre-script in a way. I thought it'd be cool to give each scene a name, even if it doesn't have any relevance in the film. It basically breaks the film down in to key segments.


-The Scene opens with ASH’s narration:
                -This describes the world briefly; that it is dying and few trees remain.
-The opening also introduces THE DARK WARRIOR.
                -THE DARK WARRIOR begins by cutting in to a tree in a desolate land.
                -From the tree’s “wound” THE DARK WARRIOR saps a form of energy (shown as an         otherworldly glow).
                -ASH’s narration provides a brief introduction to THE DARK WARRIOR, who he is and why he does what he does. The intention her is to help the audience understand that THE DARK WARRIOR is not necessarily evil, but just trying to survive.
-ASH’s spirit appears in response to this threat. He sees this and quickly flees towards THE SETTLEMENT.
                -ASH’s narration makes it clear that THE DARK WARRIOR is set on destroying THE GREAT TREE, so ASH must warn LILY.


-ASH travels towards THE GREAT TREE and the settlement.
                -The narration also introduces ASH, who he is, why he is a spirit. This helps to understand the back story necessary for the film’s plot.


-This scene introduces LILY.
                -ASH tells the audience that LILY is his wife and that she is pregnant with their baby.
-ASH reaches LILY’S room. He apologises for having to get her involved (this is not narration).
                -ASH touches LILY’s forehead, which causes LILY to see a vision.


-In a dream, ASH sends LILY a vision of THE GREAT TREE in flames.
                -In the vision THE DARK WARRIOR is stood by the tree.
                -ASH warns LILY that this is a not too distant future and that he needs her help today.


-LILY quickly awakens from this vision. ASH is no longer in the room.
                -LILY calls out for ASH, as if she sense that he was there.
-Without hesitation LILY heads out for THE GREAT TREE.


-ROSE (LILY’S sister) sees LILY running through THE SETTLEMENT, heading towards THE GREAT TREE.
                -ROSE calls out to her sister, asking why she is in a rush to get to the tree. LILY doesn’t stop to explain.
                -ROSE is puzzled by this. As she ponders the incident, she sees something in the distance. THE DARK WARRIOR is approaching the tree. ROSE recognises him as a threat and runs after her sister.


-LILY is running towards THE GREAT TREE. The tree is not too far from THE SETTLEMENT.
                -A narrated segment from LILY’S perspective, however this narration is directed at her unborn child more than the audience. LILY promises that she will leave behind a better world for her daughter.
-ROSE follows behind LILY.


-LILY arrives at the front side of THE GREAT TREE.
-She can see THE DARK WARRIOR on the other side of the tree. Stood before him is ASH’s spirit.
-LILY pleads for THE DARK WARRIOR to stop. This doesn’t work however.
-Realising that she must become a tree spirit like ASH, LILY places a hand on her stomach and apologises to her child, saying her goodbyes.
-LILY turns to see ROSE running towards her. LILY apologies and says goodbye, a tear rolls down her cheek. A bright flash emits from her body, causing ROSE to trip and fall.
-LILY’s spirit rises out of her physical body, her hand still on her stomach. LILY’s physical body collapses and fades away when it hits the floor. However, a ball of light remains where her stomach was (implying that the baby is still safe). LILY says a goodbye and floats away, passing through THE GREAT TREE.


-ASH stands before THE DARK WARRIOR with a stern look on his face. He holds out his arms, defending THE GREAT TREE.
-LILY calls ASH’S name and floats down beside him; flowers sprout underneath her as she floats.
-LILY and ASH begin to float in a circle on opposite sides of THE DARK WARRIOR. Using their powers as tree spirits they are able to create a tree that encases THE DARK WARRIOR, eliminating the threat of destruction.
-LILY and ASH embrace above the tree before completing their spell. As the spell finishes, a bright flash emits from the new tree.


-ROSE picks herself up off the floor on the other side of THE GREAT TREE. She looks up in awe at the new tree. She also notices the glowing ball of light that LILY left behind.
-A patch of soft grass grows beneath the ball. The ball slowly falls to the ground, then fades away, leaving behind a baby.
-ROSE picks up the baby.
-Spirits of ASH and LILY appear before her.
-ASH explains that they will stand as guardians over THE GREAT TREE and the settlement.
-LILY requests that ROSE takes her baby, HOPE and raises her.
-ROSE agrees and promises she will pass down the legend of HOPE’S heroic mother and father. She thanks the pair of them. 

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